What’s New – Commercial Express® R1.14.2


The latest release of Commercial Express® (CE) and Commercial ExpressLync (CEL) includes new functionality along with updates to current functionality. This document serves as a high-level guide to the changes that have been made as part of the Commercial Express R1.14.2 release.

As a reminder, use of Internet Explorer is no longer supported with Commercial Express. Future releases will include changes to the User Interface that will not work if Internet Explorer is used. Please begin using Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge as soon as possible.

Please note, that beginning with version 1.15, Commercial Express® will be rebranded as Commercial Valuation®. The User Interface will be updated with new logos, fonts, and colors. The reports will also be updated and will include the new logo and a new font. This version is estimated for release in Q4 2024.

New Functionality

Dashboard Update

Commercial Express® will have an additional column available for display and searching on the dashboard. The new column is the building name. It can be added to the dashboard via the administration page by users that have administrative rights. Navigate to Tools -> Administration -> General Setting and click the Valuation Dashboard Grid Setup. The CoreLogic Client Delivery Team can assist if needed to add this column. The display will show a limited amount of building names, with a tooltip that will display all available building names for a valuation. Please note that the building name search is unavailable in Canada.

Advanced Search

Commercial Express® has added a checkbox for the Building Name in the Advanced Search popup to allow users to either include or exclude the Building Name field in the search. It is selected by default. Please note that the building name search is unavailable in Canada.

Updates to Existing Functionality

Several updates to existing Commercial Express functionality have been addressed in the Commercial Express R1.14.2 release.

Roll Right Spelling Error

A typographical error was discovered in the Add Role page for a role right. One of the role rights was misspelled. This has been corrected with release 14.2.

Building Calculation from the Location Summary Page

The calculate button located on the Location Summary page would not always calculate buildings that were attached to other locations on the valuation. For example, a valuation has three locations and three buildings, when the user navigates to the Location Summary page and clicks the Calculate Building button, the button would only calculate the buildings attached to the specified location, rather than calculating ALL buildings attached to ALL locations. This has been corrected with release 14.2.

Clicking Location Additions while in View Only Mode results in an Error

When a user that was in the valuation as a view only user and they clicked on any location addition, the system would display an error message. This has been corrected with release 14.2.


If there is a specific reported defect or issue that you wish to understand or need more information, please contact your client services representative.